Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Done. Gone.

My exams are officially OVER! (= (= (=
But a million smileys could never replace the sheer relief from the burden of having to will myself to mug all day. It sucks.

Today, I met up with Zul, Rach and Julian for dinner.

A simple one at Eastpoint's Banquet. But a heartwarming one, as it always is with them.
It's kinda a farewell dinner for Zul since she'll be leaving for Manchester on the 12th.
For FOUR whole years, to study.

I used to pine about wanting very much to go overseas for the experience.
But hearing the very real fears that Zul expressed today, I can't tell for sure if I'm glad that I stayed in Singapore. Glad; it's evident why, but still, nothing could ever supplant that first-hand experience of growing up overseas.

And when she mentioned how she felt upset about some disagreement she had with her best friend, I thought about mine. And about the ones who make me happy.

These people, are really one in a million.
True, they might not always be there, but being there sometimes, still means something.

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