Sunday, December 6, 2009


Since exams ended on Wednesday -I cannot believe that it only ended on Wednesday because I've been so busy running about that it feels like so much time has elapsed- I've been busy meeting friends and running errands!

WED: Immediately after Stats, I met Kelvin to make the India Visa then it was Eastpoint Banquet with Zul, Rach and Julian.

THU: I met up with Daniel for lunch at Pasts Fresca and I had my first ever shot! Sambuca - it's a coffee liquor and it had 4 floating coffee beans. Heh. The first sip, burned like woa. Didn't know that shots were that potent, but it's not bad. Wouldn't be my first choice though.

We went to play pool at Parkway after and it was super fun! That guy's quite a pro and I'm so happy I got to beat him a couple of times, albeit not always through skill shots. And, I'm proud to say, I had my flashes of brilliance for some of the balls. HEH =D

Then it was dinner with ZhiKang who came to pick me up! I get so excited whenever I sit a friend's car man! It was at this place near Blair Road, a place called Lava Grill or something I think. Super affordable food that tastes splendid (: ZhiKang was happily singing praises of it.

We took a little exploration walk around the area before ending up at some playground, feeding the mosquitoes and providing the numerous rats and snails there with some human company.

I took a train down to Mustafa Centre afterwards to collect my Visa. Kelvin was late! Haha... He headed home while I headed to Bugis arcade to find Darrell. SheuZhi and his brother were versing each other on the computer, I don't know why but I found it quite amusing watching the brothers battle it out behind the machines.

We took 12 back and I promptly knocked out on the bus. Damn tired.

FRI: I met my JC classmates today (: WeiMing.Niku.Benji.AJ.John.Jeremy. And we played pool! Wahaha, super fun! John, Benji and I beat the other 3, Ha. But it's all in the name of good fun. The guys sure have pretty adorable playing styles ;p

I went to find the 2E1 people thereafter. I met Sean first and it sure was a good catch up session! We were at J Co and I swear their coffee sucks. Don't like the place, don't like doughnuts (even though they're given free). Raymond.Kenny.SayKok.Sam. came to join us for dinner! Pastamania was super filling -.- Bloated*

Too bad I couldn't go back to Orchard to find AJ and say Happy Birthday to Russ personally. But oh well, I'm sure he'll have a smashing time celebrating it with his gang. Not to mention, girlfriend too! =)

And I got home after 11pm to find myself thrusts into the packing mode by my Dad and the trip discussions lasted till 1.30am. So I bathed late, and therefore now I'm still up.

Good night!

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