Monday, May 23, 2011

brand new awakening

and so the last time i was here, was almost a year ago.
how so many things have changed.

but that one constant remains; that constant is me.
i realise that sometimes words can do so much more harm
than it can soothe.

it's so easy to break a heart,
but to mend it with words just serves to create deeper scars.
because every time those words don't hold true
the effect is compounded, and the growth is exponential

i've come to realise
that we're only human, only damn bloody selfish

we say that when we love someone
we live for that person
we act in his interest
we think of him first
but do we really?
deep down inside
it's only for us
what's best for us
what's ideal for us
what we want

the only way the other person comes into the equation
is when it serves our needs as well

and so i think
that words, are only words

that they're really empty and hollow and shallow

nobody can fully understand the predicament that i'm in
nobody i can wholly confide in

i just want someone to listen
you don't even have to offer advice
just being there
and listening

yes, i do realise that's asking too much
because we all like to offer advice
because we think it'll help the other person
because we know better

truth is, we don't.

i think the one person worth relying on
is still yourself
because nature has wired us to become so goddamn selfish
we'd do everything we can
for ourself

i think i'm so selfless
but perhaps
all i've ever done is think of me

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog you have there.
    You seems to be troubled by somethings or someone has did something that makes you feel this way.
    Words may seems very empty or hollow or shallow but it can mean the other way too. Sometimes a simple word will affect greatly on a person which has a lot of meaning and that word will deeply affect the person.
    It is always good to listen to another person. It may feel better to the person voicing out his/her words but to the listener it always seems so difficult to understand the intentions of those words and the best interest of the listener is to give advice but it may not be always successful in helping but it is always better to give it a try.
    It is true that people always think of themself first but the way of self satisfication will sometimes or eventually lead to satisfiying another. It can be something very small but it will help. If we cant even help ourself how are we even able to help others.
    It never easy to read a person mind or thoughts even if you had know the person for a long period of time but it always help just by showing some care and concern.
    This is all part and parcel of life. Enjoying every moment of your life is important as time will not wait for you. Cheer up and enjoy life. (:
